One Month Weight Training Program

One Month Weight Training Program
One Month Weight Training Program
                                 Adams' One Month Weight Training Program
     I found this online and modified it to fit my home gym. Do it for  a month ad WATCH OUT!

           DAY  1
     Focus on strength. Three minutes between sets. Six sets per exercise. All sets  to momentary muscular failure. When you surpass 
six reps on the first set,  increase weight by five pounds on all sets.

   Bench  Press  
         (warm-ups)  135 x 15 (2 sets of 15 reps)
         (work sets)  245 x 6, 245 x 6, 245 x 6, 245 x 5, 245 x 5, 245 x 4
   Push  Press 
         185x6, 185x5,  185x5, 185x5, 185x4, 185x4 
     This exercise  is similar to a standing military press. However, use some momentum as you  bring the bar up. With the bar 
positioned at the top part of your chest, bend  your knees slightly and push the bar overhead -- as you come to a standing  position 
(just short of a fully-locked position). Yes, you will get some  assistance from your lower body. It's a great strength movement for your 

   Barbell  Shrugs 
         375x6, 375x6,  375x6, 375x5, 375x4, 375x4
   Bent  Over Barbell Row  
         185x6, 185x5,  185x5, 185x5, 185x4, 185x3
         Abs. Hanging  Leg Raises and Hyperextentions.

   DAY 2 

     Focus on  bodybuilding. Rep range of 10-12. Two minutes between sets. All sets to  momentary muscular failure. Increase weight 
by five pounds on all sets when  able to surpass 12 reps.

   Weighted  Chin Ups  
         1x12, 1x11,  1x9
   Dumbbell  Incline Press 
         185x12,  185x11, 185x10
   Bent  Over Dumbbell Rowing  
         75x12, 75x10,  75x9
   Flat  Dumbbell Flys 
         65x10, 65x10,  65x10
   Upright  Rowing  
         65x12, 65x10,  65x10
   Standing  Calf Raise 
         225x10,  225x10, 225x10

   DAY 3 
         Rest and  recovery.

   DAY 4 

     Focus on  strength. Three minutes between sets. Six sets per exercise. All sets to  momentary muscular failure. When you surpass 
six reps on the first set,  increase weight by five pounds on all sets.

   Barbell  Squat 
         315x6, 315x6,  315x6, 315x5, 315x5, 315x4
         315x6, 315x6,  315x6, 315x5, 315x5, 315x4
   Close  Grip Bench Press 
         185x6, 185x6,  185x6, 185x6, 185x5, 185x5
   Barbell  Curl 
         135x6, 135x6,  135x6, 135x6, 135x5, 135x4
            Hanging Leg Raises and Hyperextensions.
  DAY 5 

     Focus on  bodybuilding. Rep range of 10-12. Two minutes between sets. All sets to  momentary muscular failure. Increase weight 
by five pounds on all sets when  able to surpass 12 reps.

   Stiff  Leg Dead Lifts 
         135x10,  135x10, 135x10
   Single  Leg Extension 
         150x12,  150x12, 150x12
   Concentration  Curls 
         50x10, 50x10,  50x10,
   Reverse  Barbell Curl 
         65x12, 65x12,  65x10
   Wrist  Curl 
         1(Olympic  Bar)x12, 1x12, 1,10
   Standing  Tricep Extensions 
         90x12, 90x12,  90x12,
   Standing  Calf Raise 
         225x10,  225x10, 225x10

     For illustrations and descriptions of the weight training exercises,  please go to the following page: 
     Weight  lifting exercises 

Weight Lifting Routines

Weight Lifting Exercises

Weight Training Programs

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Free lifting weight workout tips

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                                                                         © 2007 copyright One Month Weight Training Program