Best biceps triceps stretch exercise

Best biceps triceps stretch exercise
Best biceps triceps stretch exercise
Best biceps triceps stretch exercise
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                           Best biceps triceps stretch exercise

      The best biceps triceps stretch exercises which  have great effect to have those big guns which say it all.
            The Curl: 
      This arm exercise has many  variations, and in some form should appear in every weight training schedule. 
      Many of the other exercises naturally affect the arm, but the curl has a very  direct effect on the upper arm.
      The usual way of doing it is: Stand short astride or feet  together , hold a barbell at the hang position, arms 
      shoulder width apart,  palms to the front.Without any body or upper arm movement bend the elbows and 
      'curl the bar upwards to the shoulders. Then lift the elbows well up.Inhale as  the curl is made, exhale as 
      the bar is lowered. When the curl is made a quick  contraction takes place of the upper arm muscles. This 
      exercise can be done  wide or narrow grip, in slightly bent forward position, seated or standing. All  have 
      their merits and work the upper arm muscles from varying angles.
       Best biceps triceps stretch exercise      
      Alternate Dumbell Curls or  Two Hands Dumbell Curls:Stand  astride with the arms at the hang position holding a dumbell in 
      each hand.  Fully flex the elbows and curl each dumbell alternately to the shoulder, or as  a more advanced exercise, both dumbells
      can be curled together. This exercise  can also be done seated, or in the bent over position, which provides even  stronger work. 
      There should be no body movement when the exercises are done in  the standing position.
       Best biceps triceps stretch exercise      
      Single Arm Seated Dumbell  Curl: 
      Seated on a stool or bench,  hold a dumebll between the knees with the arm extended. Flex the elbow and curl  the dumbell to the
      shoulder. The trunk should be slightly inclined forward to  produce a maximum contraction of the elbow flexors. A certain amount
      of support  is possible by having the back of the elbow against inside of the leg. One of  the fine upper arm exercises. 
      Single Arm Triceps Stretch: 
      Using a light dumbell, hold it  at arms length above the head. Lower the dumbell backwards behind the head, by  bending the elbow 
      until the dumbell touches the back of the neck. Then keeping  the upper arm straight, and by contracting the triceps muscles 
      straighten the  forearm until the dumbell returns to starting position. Keep the dumbell as  near to the head as possible all the time. 
      The free arm is laid across the  upper chest for support on the side that is being exercised. Inhale at  commencing position, exhale 
      as movement is completed. This is a very strong and  effective triceps exercise.
      Triceps Stretch Lying: 
      This exercise can be done at  the end of a bench, in lying position. Hold a bar with narrow grip at arms length  overhead, keeping the
      upper arm straight drop the bar behind the head by  bending the forearms backwards. And then bring it up in the starting position.
      Note: Many of these exercises  like the press behind neck, etc, can be done standing or seated for progression.

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